Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, Vol 51, Issue 3 S150-S156, Copyright © 1996 by The Gerontological Society of America
Health and social precursors of later life retirement-community migration
M Silverstein and DL Zablotsky
Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, USA. [email protected]
This study uses the developmental migration paradigm developed by Litwak
and Longino (1987) as a framework to investigate the health and social
determinants of late-life elderly mobility to retirement communities. Data
from four waves of the Longitudinal Study of Aging are used to predict the
likelihood of moving from the general community to two types of retirement
communities--those with group meals and those without group meals.
Multinomial logistic regression reveals that the likelihood of migrating to
both types of retirement communities increases as disability advances to
moderate levels, but declines as disability becomes severe. Migration to
retirement communities is also more likely among elderly persons who live
alone and among those whose children do not live nearby. The results
suggest that retirement community migration in middle and late old age is
motivated not only by social and amenity considerations, but also by the
need for assisted living arising from physical frailty. Implications for
developmental migration theory and long-term care policy are discussed.